Admssion Criteria : Admission to Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya is made through Examination conducted by UTTARAKHAND VIDYALAYEE SIKSHA PARISHAD Ramnagar. The children are admitted at class VI level. Education in Navodaya Vidyalayas is free of cost. A total of 75% of seats are reserved for rural children. All the children who have studied in and passed from class V any recognized school of the district are eligible to appear for class VI.
As per the Scheme, a maximum of 60 students can be admitted in class VI per year in a RGNV.
Admssion Procedure - Admission to Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya place on the basis of a selection test conducted by UTTARAKHAND VIDYALAYEE SIKSHA PARISHAD Ramnagar. Because of the poor communication facilities in rural areas special care is taken to ensure that children form far flung rural areas get admission forms free of cost without any problem. Sufficient publicity is done through local newspapers, BEO office, visits of principal and teacher of Navodaya Vidyalaya to the local schools of the district .As a result areas are become aware of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme. The entrance examination is conducted in the month of February and a merit list of Successful is placed at the school notice board. Successful student are intimated by post for completing admission and new session by the month of April.